8:00 AM - Registration/Check-In
8:30 AM - Light Breakfast, Assembly Hall
9:00 AM - Welcome & General Session
10:00 AM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
10:30 AM - Breakout Session 1
- Ideas for engaging with current BYU students from your chapter
- Don't Fumble the Fun: Event Planning Lessons from Big 12 Tailgates
- Welcoming New Move-Ins to Your Chapter
11:30 AM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
12:00 PM - Resource Fair
2:00 PM - Chapter to Chapter
- Putting On A Golf Tournament/ Collaborating with BYU Management Society
- The Y Pickleball Tournament: What’s the Big Dill
- Good Marketing Practices For Maximum Chapter Involvement
- Strategic Partnerships In Your Community
2:45 PM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
3:15 PM - Breakout Session 2
- Cosmo’s Game Plan for Alumni to Community
- Successful Replenishment Grants & Fundraising
- Connecting and Aligning with College Initiatives
4:00 PM - Regional Chapter Meetings (refer to Program)
5:00 PM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
6:00 PM - Dinner
7:30 PM Student Gatherings (6PM-8PM,8PM-10PM)
8:30 AM - Breakfast
10:00 AM - True Blue Celebration
10:30 AM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
11:00 AM - Breakout Session 3
- Event ideas that are doable for small chapters
- New View of Mentoring in Alumni 2.0
- Effective Alumni-to-Alumni Events
12:00 PM - Hydration Station, 2nd Floor
12:30 PM - Replenishment Grant Reception/Lunch
12:30 PM - MGMT Society Reception (separate meeting/lunch)
1:00 PM - Alumni Board/Committee Meetings
1:30 PM - Campus Free Time
3:00 PM - Campus Experience
5:00 PM - Cannon Center Dinner
6:00 PM - Student Gatherings (6-8PM,8-10PM)
8:30 PM - BYU vs Kansas State Football Game
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